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이름:대릭 김

2024년 4월 <THE RED BOOK>

대릭 김


·UC Irvine 학부 및 대학원 졸업 (PhD, Organic Chemistry)
·UC Irvine, School of Medicine, Department of Neuropathology, Research Associate
·Purdue University, College of Pharmacy (약대) Postdoctoral Stint (Drug Discovery
against Solid Tumor Using Natural Products)
·일리노이 주립대 약대 교수 역임 (University of Illinois at Chicago, College of
Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, Program for
Collaborative Research in Pharmaceutical Science (PCRPS) and Functional Foods for Health)
·International University of the Health and Sciences, School of Medicine
·세계 최초로 약초성분에서 알츠하이머 예방 치료제 개발 방법 학계 보고
·알츠하이머 치매 예방 치료제 물질 및 제조공정에 관한 미국 특허 획득 및 출원 (11 건)
·녹내장 예방 및 황반변성 치료 성분 특허 획득
·항암제 및 연구에 관한 특허 획득 (13 건)
·성병 예방 치료제 개발 특허 획득
·국제 학술지에 40 여편 연구논문 발표
·투머릭 (강황)에서 뇌신경 세포 활성 및 알츠하이머 치료 물질 Calebin-A 를 세계
최초로 발견 학계보고


·Korea Life Source (주) Founder/CEO
·Core Life Source, Inc., Founder/CEO
·CurXceL Corp., Founder/CEO
·GLLC (Global Life Laboratory Corp., Co-Founder/Director/Board Member
·Joh-Dar Corp. Co-Founder/Chief Science & Technology Officer

Journal Editorial/Reviewer Positions

·Journal of Natural Products
·Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
·Journal of Organic Chemistry
·Organic Letters
·Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
·Food and Chemical Toxicology
·Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening

Major Achievements

·Discovery and development of drug candidates for treatment and prevention of AD
·Discovery and development of Calebin-A
·Discovery and development of drug candidates for treatment against solid tumors
·Discovery and development of drug candidates for treatment against melanoma
·Discovery and development of drug candidates for treatment against glaucoma and
macular degeneration
·Discovery and development of drug candidates and formulation for treatment
against chronic inflammatory diseases
·Discovery and development of methods to treat chronic inflammatory diseases
·Development of Optimum Health Program (OHP) programs to treat non-
communicable inflammatory diseases  

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